Limerick shelter collects food for pets of the homeless

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Limerick shelter collects food for pets of the homeless

LIMERICK >> A national non-profit has included a local animal shelter in its efforts to help take care of homeless pets.

Its Cool 2 Care Rescue has been added as one of it’s newest donation sites for Pets of the Homeless, a national effort aimed at regularly supplying donated pet food to local people who cannot afford to properly provide for their pets. Donations of pet food and supplies can be taken to 73 Limerick Center Rd., Limerick, PA that will be delivered to a local food bank, homeless shelter or homeless encampment.

In a release Wednesday the organization stated that approximately 80 percent of people who experience homelessness are homeless for a short period of time and usually need help finding housing or a rent subsidy. For those with pets, it becomes more difficult, forcing them to choose between their pet and a roof over their head.

More than 13,800 pets have been medically treated through the assistance of Pets of the Homeless, and 432 tons of pet food collected and distributed. There are more than 410 donation sites nationwide. Pets of the Homeless has provided over $404,000 in veterinary care to pets of the homeless.

Its Cool 2 Care Rescue accepts pet food donations year-round. For more information call: 610-960-4297. Or call Pets of the Homeless at 775-841-7463

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"From one animal lover to another."


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